I don't have much to say tonight. The Mets lost today, so they'll be playing golf tomorrow. It hurts. How they could have blown the lead, I'll never know. Hopefully the GM will make some changes. I hope they have some good arms down on the farm that they can give a chance to. They need to get younger in the starting rotation and get a better bullpen.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Friday, September 28, 2007
Getting all political ..
I have not been reading Atrios long enough to know how much of a Springsteen fan he is, but this isn't anything new. Springsteen has been speaking out for a while. He's been speaking out since at least 1980(I hope the clip of him the night after Ray-gun's election is on YouTube. If it is, i'll post the link later). He spoke out during The Rising tour. He even did a number of shows on the Vote for Change tour(that included Pearl Jam and Dave Matthews among a host of others). He won't let any one silence his voice. It's one of the many reasons his fans like him, and his peers respect him.
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 1:56 PM |
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Novakula ...
Digby has this great post over at her place today about Bob Novak and his critical comments on General Wesley Clark when we were trying to clean up the Balkans. It is another example of the Republicans hypocrisy in the whole MoveOn flap. They have been criticizing the military when it suites there ends. The traditional media is so bad, they can't use Teh Google to refute the Faux Noise brigade. I have stopped wondering when the traditional media will get their act together. They'll go bankrupt before they do.
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 8:55 PM |
Trouble at Shea ..
I don't pretend to know everything about sports. I am a fan like most everyone else, and as Pete Franklin(who was one of the original hosts when WFAN went to all sports) said, "Fan is short for fanatic". It means we are passionate about the teams we root for. We talk losses hard and celebrate important wins(including ones over hated rivals no matter when they occur). That said, I wish I knew what is going through Willie Randolph's head. While the offense is doing well, the bullpen is imploding. They can't hold a lead to save their life. Does he trust anyone in the pen besides Billy Wagner? Is there a reason why, at this late date, he's using six or seven guys on a regular basis when not one of them is getting the job done? I hope for his sake that he gets in the playoffs, otherwise the fans in New York will be screaming for blood. Losing a seven game lead with three weeks to play is not something that happens all the time. Whether it is fair or not, the manager is going to take the heat if they fail to make the playoffs.
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 5:45 PM |
"The Dean" ..
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 5:36 PM |
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Can you feel the Newtmentum?
I should acknowledge that I lifted the subject line from Steven Benen of the Carpetbagger Report(A link to his blog will be at the end of this post). What the subject line relates to has me in absolute stitches. Newt Gingrich, the former Speaker of the House and Representative from Georgia, has said that if people raise $30 million dollars for him that he'll run for President. I am not sure whether to laugh or cry. He was a horrible Speaker. He shut down the government twice over playing games of chicken with President Clinton. He tried to impeach President Clinton, who had approval ratings twice that of the current president, while simultaneously having an affair of his own. I could go on but needless to say, it wouldn't make Newt look any better. What happened to the Republicans savior of the moment(Follywood Fred Thompson)? Has he been that much of a dud that they are turning to Gingrich to save the day? My advice to Newt? Go for it. Turn the Republican primary into the Keystone Kops. McCain, Rudy, Romney, Fred Thompson and Newt. If that can't get the Republicans excited, what can?
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 9:30 PM |
Friday, September 21, 2007
What would FDR say?
Remember him? He was the president that said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. With that, I have to ask what Republicans are afraid of now. President Ahmadinejad of Iran is coming to visit the U.S. in the coming week. He wants to visit Ground Zero. I know McCain and Rudy hate him, but are they really that immature to stoop to his level? What happened to America acting like grown ups? Some said he wanted to celebrate the hijackers. That's a crock of shit. Ahmadinejad, as most of Iran, is Shia. The hijackers, most of whom came from Saudi Arabia, were Sunni. Despite the fact they all believe in Mohammed, they don't particularly like each other. The other complaint I hear deals with Ahmadinejad claiming the Holocaust never took place. That is a valid complaint. The problem I have with that is we have dealt with a lot of unsavory characters in the history of this country. Are we to preclude him? Isn't it better to talk to, and engage him, then to start a war? Are people afraid to debate him? He's supposed to appear at Columbia University and even take questions and the forum he is attending. Can people go and act like adults and ask him why he believes what he does? Who is hurt by having a dialog? He might change his opinions, and he might not. Besides, I thought this country believed in the First Amendment. All I have to say is that it can't hurt to ask him why he dislikes people of a different faith. If anything, he won't change his views by our bombing Iran. Engaging in dialogue does have a chance.
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 11:39 PM |
Thursday, September 20, 2007
The Republicans and MoveOn.org
I can't say I was surprised. The knuckle dragger from Texas, Senator Cornyn, introduced a Sense of the Senate resolution criticizing MoveOn.org. Sadly, twenty two Democratic Senators voted for it. I also heard President Bush came out today and said he was dusgusted with the MoveOn.org. Was he disgusted when Saxby Chambliss ran ads comflating Max Cleland with OBL in 2004? Or the Swift Boats ads against Senator Kerry? Of course not. It's gotten to the point where it is beyond sad. The President is supposed to lead the country, not just one party. I notice he never speaks ill of his own party, but can't wait to jump on the opposition. I thought he was supposed to be the uniter. He lied about that like he's lied about everything else.
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 7:59 PM |
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
The Mets? Ugh!!!
What is up with the Mets? It's obvious something is missing. The bullpen sucks and can't hold a lead at all. I know Randolph is from the Joe Torre school of managing. Torre has a track record of success with the Yankees. Randolph can't match it. Not only that, but the Yankees are hard on the Red Sox heels while the Mets are pulling a choke like the Red Sox. Mets fans won't take too kindly to that. I know will won't pull a Lou Piniella type explosion but he better do something to right the ship. Now!!
Posted by Jimmy the Saint at 10:33 AM |